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Sharing words of wisdom for HIGH OCTANE, balanced, integrated, high vibrational living with Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Don't take things personally.
I was going to write this post yesterday, but for some reason, I got too busy; turns out, the ending improves this story, and so today I will share. I got a knock on my door two sunday mornings ago, early. I peeped out the hole, to see who was on the other side. A face I recognized from previous summers. My neighbors friend from MOntana was in town. She went on to explain in a panic that my dear neighbor's cat had escaped thru the window, and was on the loose outside. And the twist: my neighbor was out of town this time… so she had to contact me for emergencies. I do have to say I HAVE THE BEST NEIGHBORS, I am blessed with super duper awesome peeps surrounding me. Back to story:I was on my way out to go trail riding with the ladies and our horses, the usual Sunday Fun-day! So we called and looked for this cat. Got passers by involved. Got the hardware store involved...I phoned our other 2 neighbors and left a note on the door with numbers and instructions should they find this adventurous brave kitty! My intuition said, "Don't worry. let him have his adventure, he will be back." The kitty's owner asked me, "Let me know if you pick up any signs from (insert cat's name here)" so I said, I did… "Don't worry. let him have his adventure, he will be back." Well time has passed. She had a shrine/alter for him on her kitchen table. She left him wet cat food outside her door, which evidence would lead to him eating it… and she left him a bed outside the door with a toy and treats. I passed her several times, and each time I said, "He will be back." So yesterday morning, I pass her on the street walking, and immediately I intuitively say, "He will be back" and she verbally slaps me hard with, "You know, I need you to STOP saying that." and I could see the tears building like a volcano, her face red. The old me would have taken it so personal… but I softened because I could imagine how she felt, missing her loved one, worried, fear… she lost touch with her heart chakra, and let her fears harden her, and this was not personal, this was clearly all her stuff, and she was suffering, I could see it. So I said, "Ok, no problem, I understand." and we went on our way. It stuck with me, it hurt a bit, but I knew in my heart, she really didn't mean to unleash on me, it was probably mulling over in her mind too, as she walked away. All I knew, was that damn cat was coming home. He was having an adventure, he was safe, and he said do not worry, he would be back. So I let it go. and I also said aloud, "He will be back soon!" Not only because I trust my intuition, especially with animals, that is a HUGE GIFT, but also because I BELIEVE in the power of positive thinking and positive mindset. If you can think it, it happens, so choose those thoughts carefully. I choose to believe this f-ing cat would return home! One of the four agreements is "Don't take anything personal" because it is not, ever. people are always projecting, reflecting even showing off on their imbalance, where its coming from… transparently. I could see third chakra imbalance, fear…worry… and as a human I understand, and as a pet owner I understand, as a lover of life, I understand. from the outside looking in, I understand. to have no attachment nor judgment, to let it be as it was. I included the cat in my prayers at night. I woke up to the best text ever! "You were so right…(Cat's name here) came home at 3AM this morning!!!" to which I replied, "Believe that good things will happen and they will, glad he is home." Stay connected to your intuition above all. Serve your higher purpose. DON'T TAKE THINGS PERSONAL, Stay connected to your heart, this is the safest place in the whole world. In LOVING ME, I LOVE YOU. Thank you kitty for coming home, you were missed. XOXO, Meta-Maria.
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