Massage is not a luxury; it's maintenance our bodies deserve. Natural health thru healing massage.
"Best in Seattle"
Sharing words of wisdom for HIGH OCTANE, balanced, integrated, high vibrational living with Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
8 ways to optimal health:
1-Breathe. 2-Drink water/hydrate. 3-Exercise daily. 4-Positive thoughts. 5-Eat high vibrational/high density foods. 6-REST: nap/deep sleep. 7-PLAY. 8-Get massages. XOXO, Meta-Maria
Friday, July 24, 2015
Schedule an energy session today!
Medicinal energy bodywork with the use of Acutonics tuning forks, and medicinal gemstones. Feel the energy flow from God. Connect to the universe, and heal. Sound healing with gongs, singing bowls, chimes, rain sticks… Color therapy, which works with the sound and gemstones and essential oils. Mind, Body , Energy this is the full picture. Try 1/2 hour!(206)941-8560
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Thought of the day: Let go, FLOW and live.
Do not hold on. To worry, doubts, fears. Even LOve… enjoy each moment, as if it is all their is. This is living. As Nikita Gill said, "Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go." and the great Buddha said, "Happiness or sorrow- whatever befalls you, walk on untouched and unattached." Do not suffer, this leads to disease, dis-ease. Just BE. What is, IS. Be like water, as Bruce Lee said, "Be shapeless. Be formless. like water. When you pour water into a glass, it becomes the glass. When you pour water into the cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water into the teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or water can crash. Be water my friend." Let go, FLOW and live.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Thought of the day:
Do something everyday that scares you. GROWTH happens here. Lessons are here. LIFE is here. Do NOT close your eyes… keep them open. be present. Go forth.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Don't take things personally.
I was going to write this post yesterday, but for some reason, I got too busy; turns out, the ending improves this story, and so today I will share. I got a knock on my door two sunday mornings ago, early. I peeped out the hole, to see who was on the other side. A face I recognized from previous summers. My neighbors friend from MOntana was in town. She went on to explain in a panic that my dear neighbor's cat had escaped thru the window, and was on the loose outside. And the twist: my neighbor was out of town this time… so she had to contact me for emergencies. I do have to say I HAVE THE BEST NEIGHBORS, I am blessed with super duper awesome peeps surrounding me. Back to story:I was on my way out to go trail riding with the ladies and our horses, the usual Sunday Fun-day! So we called and looked for this cat. Got passers by involved. Got the hardware store involved...I phoned our other 2 neighbors and left a note on the door with numbers and instructions should they find this adventurous brave kitty! My intuition said, "Don't worry. let him have his adventure, he will be back." The kitty's owner asked me, "Let me know if you pick up any signs from (insert cat's name here)" so I said, I did… "Don't worry. let him have his adventure, he will be back." Well time has passed. She had a shrine/alter for him on her kitchen table. She left him wet cat food outside her door, which evidence would lead to him eating it… and she left him a bed outside the door with a toy and treats. I passed her several times, and each time I said, "He will be back." So yesterday morning, I pass her on the street walking, and immediately I intuitively say, "He will be back" and she verbally slaps me hard with, "You know, I need you to STOP saying that." and I could see the tears building like a volcano, her face red. The old me would have taken it so personal… but I softened because I could imagine how she felt, missing her loved one, worried, fear… she lost touch with her heart chakra, and let her fears harden her, and this was not personal, this was clearly all her stuff, and she was suffering, I could see it. So I said, "Ok, no problem, I understand." and we went on our way. It stuck with me, it hurt a bit, but I knew in my heart, she really didn't mean to unleash on me, it was probably mulling over in her mind too, as she walked away. All I knew, was that damn cat was coming home. He was having an adventure, he was safe, and he said do not worry, he would be back. So I let it go. and I also said aloud, "He will be back soon!" Not only because I trust my intuition, especially with animals, that is a HUGE GIFT, but also because I BELIEVE in the power of positive thinking and positive mindset. If you can think it, it happens, so choose those thoughts carefully. I choose to believe this f-ing cat would return home! One of the four agreements is "Don't take anything personal" because it is not, ever. people are always projecting, reflecting even showing off on their imbalance, where its coming from… transparently. I could see third chakra imbalance, fear…worry… and as a human I understand, and as a pet owner I understand, as a lover of life, I understand. from the outside looking in, I understand. to have no attachment nor judgment, to let it be as it was. I included the cat in my prayers at night. I woke up to the best text ever! "You were so right…(Cat's name here) came home at 3AM this morning!!!" to which I replied, "Believe that good things will happen and they will, glad he is home." Stay connected to your intuition above all. Serve your higher purpose. DON'T TAKE THINGS PERSONAL, Stay connected to your heart, this is the safest place in the whole world. In LOVING ME, I LOVE YOU. Thank you kitty for coming home, you were missed. XOXO, Meta-Maria.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Thought of the day:
Make something Pretty! Vamp up a new room/space. Add a flowers and vase! Spruce it up, enjoy your place. XOXO, Meta-Maria!
Le Guerisseur and Yelp reviews
Hi friends: Please share your reviews on yelp. Le (space) Guerisseur. =Le Guerisseur on yelp. thank you.
Le Guerisseur
As good as it gets! Luxury and relaxation upon entry. Instantly all worries disappear as I breathe, unwind and begin to chill out. SPA QUALITY and in a convenient/amazing location on UPPER QUEEN ANNE. The space is modern, soothing, clinical yet posh with elements of leisure opulence; a great balance for receiving therapeutic bodywork. Put simply: This place is HAPPY. Really good energy, positive and healing, LIGHT. Not to forget to mention: with great view on top floor, vaulted ceilings lots of natural south view facing LIGHT. Feel like someone special upon entering, it is all about me and my healing and rejuvenation of self health. Maria really cares about me/you! Maria, is always working on herself, and personal growth and self improvements. Maria is smart and educated, and is constantly furthering her education day after day, year after year, as a full time college student with sights on naturopathic medicine and acupuncture and oriental medicines. A session with Maria will provide healing for body, mind and spirit connection, as she views you whole person/holistically. You will leave richer in knowledge about yourself after just one session. Maria truly listens. She works WITH YOU on your journey and experience in health care, and is definitely one of the best in her field of practice. You will be changed drastically in one session, 90 minutes is HIGHLY recommended!!!
Be playful with an open heart.
"Just look at life with more PLAYFUL eyes. Don't be serious. Seriousness becomes like a blindness. Don't pretend to be a thinker, philosopher. Just simply be a human being. The whole world is showering its joy on you in so many ways, but are too serious, you cannot open your heart." -Osho
Sunday, July 19, 2015
9 Rules to live by:
1-Express THANKS. 2- Keep promises. 3- Say " I LOVE YOU" 4- Be kind to yourself and others. 5- SPEAK THE TRUTH. 6-LAUGH. 7-DO/BE your best. 8- Don't take things personally. 9- LET GO/FLOW.
Thought of the day:
Do not hold on to worry, fears, troubles. This causes dis-ease. LET GO. Harmonize. Find balance. FLOW. XOXO, Meta-Maria
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
A BEAUTIFUL Fountain of Youth and FOREVER YOUNG:
1-WAtch your figure. 2-Avoid spending time with people who complain how old they are. 3-EXERCISE DAILY. 4-TRAVEL. 5- Say YES to FUN! 6- Be extravagant once in awhile. 7- FLIRT with all aspects of LIFE. 8- Surround yourself with young, smart, INTERESTING people who adore ya! 9- Be spontaneous. 10- NEVER feel sorry for yourself. 11-Take the time to be beautiful. 12-NEVER say or think you are too old for anything. 13- LIVE the way you think your age should be…16, 24..37…YOUR CALL BABY! 14- EVERY morning when you wake up, LOOK in the mirror, and tell yourself YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, and mean it. 15- READ, and LEARN as much as you can, and often, smart is sexy! 16-As soon as a negative thought comes into your mind, replace it was a joke, or something funny. 17- Take a close look at children: They know how to PLAY, be HAPPY, young and carefree, DO THIS! Don't take life so seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway! Enjoy each day, this is the gift. In LOVING me, I love you. XOXO, Meta-Maria
11 things that should be habit DAILY.
1-Meditation. 2- Give thanks. 3-Set your intention. 4- Set up a to-do list/schedule for the day. 5- Exercise. 6-Hydrate. 7-STRETCH. 8-LISTEN TO MUSIC. 9-Smile. 10- Clean up after yourself. 11- Don't procrastinate/Hard task first, continue down the list. XOXO, Meta-Maria!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Thought of the Day:
The creative never ceases, thus the real gift, endless and bountiful. Creativity is also a sign of genius, so Einstein says. The less creative, copy. No higher compliment than being copied. Belly laughter is good. I was built to lead, and create a path. Its easy to walk a plowed path.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Bird pooping on head and Grasshopper Meanings: Ya, it happened to me!
Yesterday on my drive to Mercer Island a bird pooped on my head as I turned the corner from Queen Anne to Smith Street…My top was down! They say this is good luck, though…not a good LOOK.
"Bird Droppings
Many people the world over believe that if a bird lets loose on you, then good things are coming your way. One idea is that it's a sign of major wealth coming from heaven, based on the belief that when you suffer an inconvenience (albeit a pretty gross one), you'll have good fortune in return."-
"● Bird poop brings good luck! There is a belief that if a bird poops on you, your car or your property, you may receive good luck and riches. The more birds involved, the richer you’ll be! So next time a bird poops on you, remember that it’s a good thing."-
THEEEENNNNNNNN, I walked out to my car this morning and a beautiful green grasshopper was perched on my antenna! He absolutely stood out brilliantly against the blackness of the vehicle. "Garden Creatures That Bring Good Fortune
Include insects and grasshoppers. If a grasshopper were to hop into your house, it means a very distinguished person is about to visit you. It can also mean that you are about to receive a great honor."-
"Additional Associations for Grasshopper;
"If Grasshopper has sprung into your life;
You are being asked to take a leap of faith. Just go ahead and do it without knowing the outcome. Usually this is something that you have been avoided doing and is often linked to a large scale change in direction. This can be a change in relationship, career or a change in yourself. Know that you have the wisdom that you need to get past any obstacles in an efficient manner. For the most part all possible outcomes will be positive.
Good Omen
Jumps across space and time
Moving Forward
Abundance and Rich Resources
Leaps of faith
Jumping without knowing where you will land
Taking Chances
Astral travel
Leaping over obstacles
Forward Thinking
New leaps forward
Ability to change careers quickly
Love a Challenge
Inner Voice
Good Health
Gossip creating Drama
Karma"- SOOOOOOO, I guess it's going to be another great day!!! Smile bright dear ones. XOXO, MJT
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Rate Increase:
Hi loyal friends, As many of you know, I haven't raised my prices since 2007. Imagine working the same job for 8 years without a raise, paired with our high cost of living that continue to rise. Effective immediately, and really July 1, 2015, their will be a slight increase to your session of $5/half hour. For example, $90/hour was my rate and now its $100/hour. I dislike raising prices, yet I know you all understand why… I appreciate your continued support.I will continue to do the high quality, therapeutic bodywork you have come to expect. THANK YOU, Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
How do you relax? Make a list:
How do you relax? What are the LITTLE ways? Make a list! List everything you do that is relaxing. For me, its bathes, walks, horse time, flying, drinking tea, painting, reading, listening to music, laughing and so forth. My point is: DO THESE THINGS DAILY. OFTEN. This way, you LIVE a relaxed and HAPPY life. Its the little things that add up, so be mindful. XOXO, Meta-Maria
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Thought of the Day:
LEARN to take care of self: Physically, Athletically, Emotionally, Intellectually.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Maria J. Toro, LMP's Bio:
Maria graduated Ashmead College, the evolution of Seattle Massage School in February 2001, top of her class, and has been practicing ever since. Maria is a local Queen Anne resident, and full time student, with sights set on Acupuncture, oriental medicine and Naturopathic medicine. Maria has been an equestrian since the age of 5, and enjoys oil painting, yoga and Pilates with her free time. Maria’s foundation is scientific and therapeutic; she is passionate about holistic healing. Over the years Maria has been committed to continued education, expanding on her tools available while in session, which includes treatment bodywork, deep tissue, sports massage, Thai yoga massage, hot stone massage, sound healing, chakra balancing, energy work and much more! Maria is a true healer, balancing and connecting body, mind and energy, noting that each session will be different and customized for what you present on that day. In November 2010, Allure Magazine voted Maria J. Toro LMP, as “Best in Seattle”. Book an appointment today and experience total relaxation, healing and maintenance your body deserves.
Nina's Bio:
So HAPPY to introduce Christina Edmonds of Lash Out Loud, whom I will be sharing the Queen Anne Space with! About "Nina" : Christina discovered her passion for eyelash extensions in 2009. She loves to see each client leave their appointment with beautiful lashes and a smile on their face. Christina's lash talents have been featured on King 5's Evening Magazine. To further her skills, she makes it a point to continue training and education. Most recently she trained with Sugarlash to perfect the latest techniques in Russian Volume lashes. When not lashing, Christina spends her time with Layla, her beautiful daughter and Chesney, her adorable kitten.
Nina is available by appointment only, Tuesday and Wednesday 10-7, and thursday 9-2 and Saturday 10 -4. You can book 253-334-2006
Friday, July 3, 2015
Thought of the day:
In health and healing it is vital to connect with nature. Find a way to get outside daily. Whether you are going for a walk, run, bike ride, horseback riding, yoga in the park, rollerblading, just get outside. Breathe deeply. Focus on nature, notice the leaves, rocks, trees, flowers, ocean, lake, raindrops. Breathe deeply. Connect to the universe. Be thankful.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
THANK YOU> First day on Queen Anne Avenue! YES ON THE AVENUE!!! WHOOHOOOO!!! BIGTIME:
Today I am so thankful, and overflowing with gratitude. My first day seeing clients in the New QUEEN ANNE SPACE! I LOVE IT. I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE IT. I am thankful and I worked really hard creating/visualizing the space; then the physical build out was intense… and I pulled it off! Soooooo excited to share this space with YOU. I am on Queen Anne Mondays 1:30-9:30pm and Thursdays 2:30-9:30pm, and every other Sunday 2-8:30pm. I schedule by appointment only. I love referrals, it is the lifeline of a business. Please let me know if you are a new client and you are referred in. Thank you for your continued support and loyalty throughout the years, I appreciate that. I continue to grow and expand in my education with dedication, discipline and inspiration in HEALING. Flowing in continued evolution, expanding my Knowledge, as to pull from a vast tool box to practice the art of massage and other healing modalities with you. I am thankful for today. I am thankful for healing sessions with YOU. To be able to practice, and continue to learn and expand with each session, even still to this day… LEARNING. and I am thankful. I am honored to be apart of your health and healing and relaxation and escape from everything else, even for a moment, to have the time to be connect to the universe and heal is vital. I am so very honored you choose me. THANK YOU ALL. SO MUCH LOVE. XOXO, MJT.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Be a force of light:
"The spirit that speaks through you is as the light, that shines, through the lamp. The lamp does not create it. The lamp is but the vessel, which holds the light. But the light is a force, moving through the lamp, and out to those who would see illuminating their way" (57) "The Circle of the Spirit" -Anglung.
Love is the Opposite of Fear. Choose LOVE and LIVE Life.
"To live in fear and falsehood is worse than death." -Zend-Avesta
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