Massage is not a luxury; it's maintenance our bodies deserve. Natural health thru healing massage.
"Best in Seattle"
Sharing words of wisdom for HIGH OCTANE, balanced, integrated, high vibrational living with Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
New Hours Updated:
New hours: Monday thru Friday 12:30-7pm Mondays and Thursdays: Upper Queen Anne Tuesday thru Friday: Mercer Island. 206-941-8560. Reminder…referrals are a lifeline to a business. The greatest compliment I can receive is the referral of a friend or family member. THANK YOU.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Massage Special:
Massage Special!
Book NOW, and you receive a 90 minute massage treatment for $150! That is a $30 savings! Mention you saw this on my blog! (Offer does not apply to packages).
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Part of the key to my success is to make a difference in the lives around me even greater.
I read recently, something like, the life of the average human is 25,915 days. How will you LIVE your life? How will you take care of your body? How will you maintain your physical, mental and energetic self? MASSAGE is key, and part of a balanced equation. Knowledge is power and essential to healing. Massage heals on many levels.Massage makes us feel shinier and full of more vitality. Feeling higher octane after restoring from a deep relaxation. Massage heals injuries. Part of the key to my success is to make a difference in the lives around me even greater, and I know massage is healing in such a deep profound way, especially with all of the modalities I combine in a treatment/session. Massive expansion of THANKS.I feel good when you feel good. XOXO, Meta-Maria!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
XOXO Meta-Maria:
In case no one told you today, You are beautiful. You are loved. You are needed. You are here for a reason. I'm glad you are alive. Dream big. Never give up.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Get your massage game on with bodywork for the athlete!
Peak Performance With Sports Massage. Where athletes achieve peak performance and recovery through bodywork.
Friday, May 20, 2016
10 Ways to LOVE yourself more today:
1-Schedule as much FUN everyday as possible.
2-STOOOOP overthinking.
3-RELAX more, schedule weekly massages!
4-Let gooooooo.
5-Remember your value.
6-Take risks!
7-Dream big… and go after those dreams!
8-Be KIND to myself.
9-Laugh. Keep a sense of humor.
10-APPREICATE all you have, be thankful.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Maria J. Toro, LMP of Le' Guerisseur, PLLC
Maria graduated top of her class February 2001, and has been practicing ever since. Her foundation is scientific and therapeutic. Maria is passionate about holistic injury treatment. Healing: TMJ dysfunction, neck and back pain, sports and auto accident injuries. Utilizing Swedish, deep tissue and sports massage. Maria is a true healer; balancing and connecting body, mind and energy, noting that each session will be different and customized for what you present on that day. In November 2010, Allure Magazine voted Maria J. Toro LMP, as “Best in Seattle”. Book an appointment today and experience healing and maintenance your body deserves. 206-941-8560
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Emergency Bodywork:
I schedule/book out anywhere from 2-6weeks in advance. I understand emergencies happen, and sometimes a massage is needed immediately for healing. I am willing to come in on my day off, (Tuesday/Sunday) for an additional $100 fee to your service.
Rate Increase:
Effective June 1, 2016, their will be a slight increase to your service of $10/half hour. Updated prices are already posted on blog. Thank you.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
10 things that require ZERO TALENT:
1-Being on time.
2-Work ethic.
4-Body language.
8-Being coachable.
9-Doing extra.
10-Being prepared.
LOve and massage:
Every cell in our body vibrates with energy and HEALTH. When we LOVE ourselves, we HEAL our lives. Nourish your mind, body and soul. Schedule regular massages. The body will heal quickly and with ease. XO, Meta-Maria!
Monday, May 2, 2016
New Mercer Island LOCATION!!!
I am all moved in:) located above the Key Bank, right in the heart of downtown Mercer Island, on the north end of the island in the business district. This space is light filled with floor to ceiling windows. The windows are tinted and mirrored for privacy. Huge space, with three soothing fountains. TOTAL relaxation upon entry. Will announce an open house shortly. Will begin seeing clients Wednesday! A few details left to sort out, and moving in the right direction. Here is our new address: 2731 77th ave SE Suite 206, Mercer Island, WA 98040. You can still reach me at 206-941-8560. Take the first driveway to the right after the little Starbucks on the corner. Continue to drive back to the larger parking lot in the back of the building. So excited to share this space with YOU. Much love and healing, Maria!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Bedtime Snack:
What can you have as a bedtime snack that will boost MELATONIN levels? Melatonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for sleep, this chemical is needed to kick in before bed. Foods that increase melatonin the most are:Blackberries, Raspberries, almonds, sunflower seeds, tart cherries. UCLA researchers found that after (3) NIGHTS of this, you will be sleeping more soundly! Remember to brush your teeth afterwards;)
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Cancelation Policy:
You have 24 hours prior to an appointment to cancel, otherwise you will be charged for the entire appointment fee.
Word Up Yo!
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life." -Prince
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Which type of MASSAGE is right for you as a runner?
I found this article helpful from Women's Running, So I thought I would share with you. My souce is sited at end of article. ENJOY… and KEEP running and receiving massages! XOXO, Meta-Maria!
A mainstay at spas, Swedish style has become a generic way to define a relaxation massage. It is characterized by the use of massage oil and the application of long, flowing strokes along the body using light to medium pressure.
Best for runners who… are looking for general stress reduction and improved circulation after a tough training week. While Swedish massage does have some therapeutic properties, runners typically don’t find relief from pain.
Sports massage specifically addresses the needs of athletes. Depending on session goals and the training of the massage therapist, sports massage may integrate stretching with the combined elements of other massage techniques.
Best for runners who… want to stay healthy and improve performance. Sports massage typically falls into three categories: injury rehabilitation to manage chronic and acute injuries; pre- and post-race support; and maintenance to help athletes stay free from injury and enjoy peak performance during the training season.
Trigger Point & Neuromuscular Therapy
“Trigger points are hyper-irritable spots in tight muscle bands that can cause muscular weakness and refer pain and tenderness to other areas of the body,” says Peyovich. “In this technique, a trained massage therapist knows the common triggerpoint locations and their associated referral patterns and applies static pressure to help them release.”
Best for runners who… want to eliminate pain, increase flexibility and range of motion and restore muscle strength (a.k.a. the three central benefits of trigger-point massage). A complementary technique called Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) addresses the underlying causes of pain by looking at postural issues, biomechanical problems and possible nerve compression. NMT is especially effective in addressing acute injuries, such as tight hip flexors or plantar fasciitis.
Fascia Work
“The fascia of the body, or the layers of skin and connective tissue, contain all kinds of important sensors and mechanisms. In fascia work, the therapist concentrates on moving and pulling the fascia,” says Kirkeby.
Best for runners who… have problem spots. By manipulating the fascia, the tissue becomes more elastic, allowing the athlete to experience less pain and greater range of motion. Though fascia work can be a whole-body treatment, it is typically done in targeted areas, such as the neck or the foot.
Active Release Technique (ART)
During an ART session, a specially licensed therapist feels for adhesions within the soft tissue. These lumps or tension areas are then broken up using direct pressure and movement. As opposed to most massages, where the therapist does all of the work, ART requires the therapist and client to work in tandem.
Best for runners who… are injured—or have been. ART is particularly effective for chronic injuries related to overuse, such as hamstring issues and shin splints."
My sources:
12 Steps to Self Care:
1- LOVE. LOve LOve.
2- IF it feels wrong, Don't do it.
3-Say exactly what you mean.
4- Don't be a people pleaser.
5- TRUST your instincts.
6-NEVER speak bad about yourself.
7- NEVER give up on your dream…DREAM BIG!
8- Don't be afraid to say NO.
9- Don't be afraid to say YES!
10-Be kind to yourself, Get MASSAGES often!
11-LET GO of what you cannot control.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
12 Tiny Ways To Upgrade Your Every Day:
1-Set your alarm to an uplifting song you can easily wake up to.
2-Have a quiet cup of coffee before your busy day gets started.
3- Take a midday walk and get some fresh air.
4- Take a midday nap, 20 minutes is all you need for a boost.
5-TREAT yourself to something relaxing and GIVING, restorative, like a MASSAGE!
6-Pick out some FUN workout wear, for some fashionable motivation!
7-Do a quick an easy hydration/detox: Infused water with lemon and ginger.
8- Contain your work to a "workday".
9-Catch up on a book you started forever ago!
10-Unplug at least an hour, maybe two hours before bed…This will encourage a more restful, and deeper night's sleep.
11-Take an epsom salt soak.
12- Before bed and before rising in the morning: COme up with a list of (5) things you are thankful for that day!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Live HEALTHIER with frequent MASSAGES.
Multiple studies have shown that the benefits of massage increase with frequency. These benefits aren't limited to just pain relief; the stress reduction and increased body awareness you get from massage are important aspects of a holistic approach to preventive health care. It is always best to reschedule before you leave your appointment. You body will thank you for it.
Monday, April 4, 2016
10 Things You Should DROP From Your Life:
1- DROP Negative people. 2-DROP Holding onto past mistakes. 3-Drop the PAST. 4-DROP the false image of yourself/EGO. 5- DROP feeling sorry for yourself. 6-DROP saying YES all the time. 7-DROP trying to please everyone. 8-DROP trying to SAY the right thing. 9-DROP your limiting beliefs. 10- DROP worrying about the future.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Massage and 1/2 marathon training:
I did a lot of things right with my training and performance for this Mercer Island 1/2 marathon. Each run is/was a practice of learning lessons… and continued refining. Everything from sock and shoe choice to clothing and food/fuel and proper hydration. Every little detail matters. I began my journey 5 months ago. During this time I have lowered my blood pressure significantly, lost over 30 pounds, gained massive endurance and even more confidence. No better feeling than the runner's high! (well massage feels better). So each time I would run, I would dial in information about myself. to the point when race day came, I knew the clothes I would wear, and what I would eat… and how much sleep I would need, and how I would need to wrap my arches to prevent blistering and to charge my cell phone, so I would not run out of battery for my music, and so forth. I did carbo load the night before. I indulged in pizza! YUM!! I had massive hydration happening mindfully the entire previous week. Both plain water and adding Gatorade. For race day, I cut up a protein bar into small pieces. a protein bar I had practiced with during training sessions, so I knew it worked for my body. I purchased a camel Pak, to STAY hydrated. with a combo of water and Gatorade. I sipped this freely thru the race, and mindfully at certain mile points so I could stay ahead of myself. I got a good night's sleep, and a massage not only the night before, but the night of race day. I believe in massage. Massage is so healing, and such a great therapeutic tool for taking care of the body, mind and energy. Massage felt great the night before, and facilitated a solid night's sleep. And massage aided in recovery for day of race, plus it was something I looked forward too during my run. Mind over matter, and the mind games that happen while pounding out 13 plus miles. I tapered my runs two weeks before race day, hoping the 5 months previous training had made enough of an impact in my muscle memory. This was vital, in my performance, as I felt fresh and not beat up, I had solid energy throughout the performance of running this race. Although for those two weeks of tapering, my body did miss working out, as it effects my mood, I feel good working out. As far as improvements I can make moving forward, as I have several races planned throughout this calendar year, with my peak on December 11, for the Honolulu Marathon. I need to cross train, more than riding my horse;) I need to start lifting weights, and do more lunges and squats. I need to up my miles, perhaps running twice a day. I still need to refine my diet for proper nutrition, to not only lose weight, but also to fuel my body to have the endurance I am asking for it to perform. I believe I will have this down to my own specific science by the time December rolls around. I will continue with receiving massage bodywork to recovery, and keep my muscles fine tuned. I need to add some more stretching or a yoga class so I will be flexible in mind and body. The more I run, the more I learn about myself. The more I learn about myself, the more confidence is built. Not only is massage healing, running is healing too. So here is to the next 9 months, and beyond. Where I will ultimately be building up to a full marathon, and hopefully dropping more weight, while remaining injury free. Stay tuned! XOXO, Maria!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Hard work and discipline …Step by step.
I received a massage last night, and I have one scheduled for tonight at 6! Today is my BIG race day, my Mercer Island half marathon. I have been training for this for the last 5 months. I feel the nerves and excitement and buildup. Looking forward to moving past the first 3 miles, to find my rhythm. Thank you all for sending me sweet texts and all your kind words, if I bumped into you in the last week, IT HAS HELPED. I'll keep you posted after I cross the finish line. So much LOVE, XOXO, Maria!
Friday, March 18, 2016
Maria J. Toro, LMP Bio:
Maria graduated Ashmead College, the evolution of Seattle Massage School in February 2001, top of her class, and has been practicing ever since. Maria is a local Mercer Island resident, with her horse at the Mercer Island Saddle Club. Maria has been an equestrian since the age of 5, and enjoys dressage and trail riding. Additional hobbies include: oil painting, yoga, pilates, running half and full marathons, weight lifting and learning to fly airplanes with her free time. Maria’s foundation is scientific and therapeutic; she is passionate about holistic healing. Over the years Maria has been committed to continued education. Expanding on her tools available while in session. Maria's specialties include injury treatment and therapeutic bodywork. Healing TMJ dysfunction, neck pain, back pain, sports injuries and auto accident injuries like whiplash; by utilizing swedish massage, deep tissue massage , sports massage, Thai yoga massage, hot stone massage, sound healing, chakra balancing, energy work, medicinal gemstones and much more! Maria is a true healer; balancing and connecting body, mind and energy, noting that each session will be different and customized for what you present on that day. In November 2010, Allure Magazine voted Maria J. Toro LMP, as “Best in Seattle”. Book an appointment today and experience total relaxation, natural healing and maintenance your body deserves. 206-941-8560
New Mercer Island location on May 1, 2016!!!
On MAy 1, 2016, I will be expanding my practice on Mercer Island, and moving to a NEW LOCATION, that is LARGER and all mine:). More SPACE…more LIGHT. All my style. My intention will be to wrap you in luxury upon entry…soothing and total relaxation. New location is in the Business District on the north end of Mercer Island. I am located on the top floor of the Key Bank Building. 2731 77th Ave SE, suite 206, Mercer Island, WA. 98040. Still reach me at 206-941-8560. I plan on offering more hours, and more days per week. Schedule today!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Schedule regular bodywork: Weekly, bimonthly, or monthly… whatever your budget allows as often as possible.
Only ACTION means you have committed to making a decision. IF their is no action, their is no decision. Be mindful and disciplined in taking care of your body, your true home. Eat healthy, move/exercise, keep your mind positive and schedule regular bodywork/massages. Your fortress deserves the best. If you don't have your health…You don't have wealth. Be the Queen of your empire, your body, your home.
Celebrate Women!
One woman's success can lead to another woman's success. A true leader doesn't give the answer, she simple suggests where the other may look and learn. XOXO, M.Toro
Sunday, March 6, 2016
At home SPA:
Every night, before bed I have a healing ritual. I rest…laying in a hot bath full of Epsom salts and baking soda. This combo is a detox, it is healing and soothing. It lowers the stress related hormones, and balances out the pH levels. Usually I will have a glass of water or tea accompanying me, and perhaps adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, for a at home spa experience. Afterwards, I shower… to complete the process of washing off the day, and all the energies I came into contact with, for a deep night's sleep. Enjoy! -MJ
It is best to schedule your appointment in advance to ensure your desired time:
Touch is powerful. "Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love", Pavana. "Healing comes in waves, and maybe today the waves hits the rocks, and that's ok, that's ok, darling…YOU are still healing. YOU ARE STILL HEALING.",Ijeoma Umebinyou, "Be Gentle With Yourself". MASSAGE, IT is what the body needs. "Healing is the journey. The destination is yourself." Philip M. Berk. "Touch was never meant to be a luxury. It is a basic human need. It is an action that validates life and gives hope to both the receiver and the giver." Irene Smith. Massage will relax muscle tension. Massage can lower blood pressure. Massage helps release endorphins. Massage helps you breathe, helps you move, helps you live the life you want to live. Massage is a helpful healing process. "Massage has had a positive effect on every medical condition we've looked at." Tiffany Field, PhD. Happiness is a good Massage. Schedule with Maria J. Toro, LMP today! Locations on Mercer Island and Queen Anne. Maria Toro was voted, "Best in Seattle" by Allure Magazine. #Best #Massage #MercerIsland #QueenAnne #BESTMASSAGE #Healing #Healer #206 206-941-8560, call today!
Schedule a massage with Maria Toro, LMP on Mercer Island or Queen Anne today!
Eat. Sleep. MASSAGE. Repeat. 206-941-8560
Say YES! Do IT now.
"One day you will wake up and there won't be anymore time to do the things you've always wanted to do. DO IT NOW." - Paulo Coelho
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Choose HAPPY.
Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy. Happy in the little things, happy with the small steps. In the end, your attitude of happy becomes a way of life. Mindfully make the rest of your life, the best of your life.
11 reasons you NEED a massage!
1-Massage feels good. 2-Massage relieves stress. 3-Massage increases circulation. 4-assage relieves pain. 5-Massage improves flexibility and posture. 6-Massage relaxes body and mind. 7-Massage flushes the body of toxins. 8- Massage regulates blood sugar levels. 9-Massage boosts immunity. 10- Massage increases metabolism. 11-Massage rehabilitates and HEALS injuries.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Love your body.
LOVE your body. Get massages. MOve daily. Eat well. Hydrate. Stretch. Rest/sleep. Meditate. LOve your body.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Healing injuries, pick me!
I choose the name "Le Guerisseur" at 23, when I first started my practice. It means, "the healer". I take this to heart. I have healed many types of injuries over the last 16 years of my practice. I LOVE what I do. My vision is to heal injuries quickly without surgeries or medication. I've had great success with soft tissue injuries such as: TMJ dysfunction, sprained muscles, pulled muscles, whiplash, and auto injuries, sciatica, low back pain, neck pain, tennis elbow, repudiative stress injuries, sprained ankles, hip flexor injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and much more like increasing range of motion! I enjoy watching my clients heal, and recover quicker than they knew possible! Beyond fixing injuries, massage is great for injury prevention, and it feels great. Massage always reduces stress and reduces blood pressure, a natural way to heal yourself. Whether you have been in an auto accident, or you are an athlete, massage is the right choice. I have worked with many auto accidents, PIP, and many athletes over the years, like football players, basketball players, soccer players, baseball players, tennis players, runners, triathletes, iron man athletes, rowers, cheerleaders, rugby players and equestrians! I have also had much success with plastic/elective surgeries, using lymphatic drainage to clean up bruised tissue, which reduces pain immediately, and speeds up recovery. It is my greatest pleasure to heal. I love the entire process. It is best to seek treatment as soon as possible for speedy recovery. Reduce scar tissue and adhesions so you won't have more pain and decreased range of motion in your future. It is my honor to help heal holistically! 206-941-8560 Maria J. Toro, LMP. schedule today!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
"Best massage experience, I keep coming back!"
"Best massage experience, I keep coming back! Maria seems to intuitively adopt her practice to what your body needs most. Her space has a wonderful energy, and I alway leave feeling enlightened. Bang for the buck and the best massage in Seattle!" Rylie D. of Queen Anne
"I can't imagine life without her(Maria)."
"Maria is a true pro! Our entire family has been going to her for 15 years. Her new studio on upper Queen Anne is amazing, an easily accessible, lovely space that makes you want to relax the second you enter. She is able to address any problem. Simply put, I can't imagine life without her." -Jan B. of Queen Anne
"Maria is an amazing intuitive healer and has a deeply calming presence."
"Maria is an amazing intuitive healer and has a deeply calming presence. Her studio space in Queen Anne has a wonderfully clear energy and her massage table is the most comfortable bed I've been on! Her incorporation of crystals, essential oils and her own healing intuition took this massage to the next level. I cannot wait to go back as often as I can. I walked away from my first massage with Maria feeling light as air, with a smile on my face and a rejuvenated body, mind and spirit!" -Madeline Y. of Queen Anne
(Maria)" She goes above and beyond to not only work out all my kinks but to really target causes of my back pain."
"Maria is the absolute best on Queen Anne! She goes above and beyond to not only work out all my kinks but to really target causes of my back pain. She has a way of reading your vibes when you walk in the door and knows exactly how to make you feel completely relaxed. I love that she has evening appointments, perfect for unwinding and letting go of stressful work days!" Nina of Queen Anne
"Maria is the best!"
"Maria is the best! I have been going to her for little over a year now. I see her every two weeks for pain management due to a car accident or just a good old fashion stress relieving massage. My headache always disappear after I see her and I have never felt so relaxed. She is so diverse in her practice. She is able to manipulate each session to create the perfect massage for not only my pain but my mood Her studio is awesome and the location is primo on Queen Anne! Maris has night appointments which make her schedule perfect for professionals. I would highly recommend the Le Guerrisseur massage studio." -Morgan R. of Queen Anne
"I've been getting regular massages with her for over a year and it's the best thing I've done for my overall health and wellbeing."
"Go and see Maria! I've been getting regular massages with her for over a year and it's the best thing I've done for my overall health and wellbeing. My workouts are better, my mindset is better, and I swear it's even improved my work performance. She's a wonderful person and will make you feel right at home. Seeing her name on my calendar makes me happy!" -Stephanie N. of Seattle
"I have had massages at spas all over the United States.....Maria Toro is as good as it gets!"
"I have had massages at spas all over the United States.....Maria Toro is as good as it gets! Whether for deep tissue, energy work or relaxation, Maria is the best massage therapist I have ever experienced. She is great lady with positive energy. She has treated our entire family of five for many years -- we all rave about her!! Spring into Springtime in Seattle -- get a massage from Maria Toro at Le Guerisseur." Ken B. of Queen Anne
With Maria, "It was not only a massage but a session in healing".
"I came out of my session with Maria feeling powerful in my body. It was not only a massage but a session in healing. As a runner and athlete it is nice to find a massage therapist who has first hand experience with the major problems and injuries athletes can acquire. She gave me tips and exercises to do at home to continue healing everyday. Her practice isn't bogged down by the rules of spas and clinics so she has more power over the time and essence of your session, it IS about you.
Her space is comfortable and beautiful, decorated with her own artwork (which I loved). With an open heart I would recommend Maria to anyone looking for a massage therapist."- Amanda W. of Seattle
Maria is AWESOME!
"Maria is awesome- she always mixes it up and has a true passion for her for her profession. Highly recommended!" -Shawn B. of Queen Anne
I absolutely love my sessions with Maria!
"I absolutely love my sessions with Maria! I have been seeing Maria for over nine years and love her holistic approach to healing. I have not had back pain since starting sessions with her, something I had previously suffered from chronically. The atmosphere she creates is extremely relaxing, and I leave sessions feeling rejuvenated. Whether a deep tissue session or an hour of hot stone therapy it's amazing!" -Elizabeth A. of Queen Anne
Maria is an amazing massage practitioner and healer!
"Maria is an amazing massage practitioner and healer!
Walking into the office you immediately feel your stress melt away as Maria greets you with her warm smile and peaceful energy. She genuinely cares about her clients and believes in bringing the whole body, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally into balance. Her massages are more of a spiritual experience, working with your body on a very intuitive level. And for those of you who seem to think a female masseuse is unable to give a truly deep tissue massage, Maria will prove you wrong. The most amazing part is that she is able to do so without it feeling like she is even trying.
I no longer live in Seattle, but whenever I come back for a visit, I try to get in for an hour or two with Maria." Alison T. (world traveler)
Maria Gives The Best Massage:
"Maria gives the best massage in Seattle! She's lovely, her office is beautiful and welcoming and her technique always leaves me feeling lighter and more relaxed. And perhaps best of all, I feel like my whole being is healed when I leave. Though she's on Queen Anne, parking is plentiful on this block, so don't worrk about that!" Julie S. of Seattle
Maria Is As Good As IT Gets!
"As good as it gets! Luxury and relaxation upon entry. Instantly all worries disappear. Breathe, unwind and begin to chill out. SPA QUALITY in a convenient/amazing location, nestled on UPPER QUEEN ANNE. The space is modern, soothing, clinical yet posh with elements of leisure opulence; a great balance for receiving therapeutic bodywork. Simply put: This place is HAPPY. Really good energy, positive and healing, LIGHT energy. Not to forget to mention: with great view on top floor, vaulted ceilings lots of natural south view facing sunLIGHT. Feel like someone special upon entering, it is all about YOU and healing and rejuvenation of self health. Maria really cares about you! Maria, is always working on herself, with education and personal growth and self improvements. Maria is smart and educated, and is constantly furthering her education day after day, year after year, as a full time college student with sights on naturopathic medicine and acupuncture and oriental medicines. A session with Maria will provide healing for body, mind and spirit connection, as she views you whole person/holistically. You will leave richer in knowledge about yourself after just one session. Maria truly listens. She works WITH YOU on your journey and experience in health care, and is definitely one of the best in her field of practice. You will be changed drastically in one session, 90 minutes is HIGHLY recommended!!!" -Maria J. of Seattle
Maria Toro is one of the Best in Her Field...
"Maria Toro is easily one of the best in her field, and definitely the best massage therapists in Seattle. As well as being one of the most welcoming and personable people I have ever experienced, Maria offers a wide range of massage techniques to cater to all needs. I have visited her for both a pampering massage and another time to address chronic shoulder pain and in both instances she used different techniques to insure the best results, leaving me feeling energized and loosened up after the session. The icing on the cake is her extremely affordable prices and intimate workspace, her studio is tucked away on Queen Anne Hill away from the congestion of the city, making parking a breeze and traffic a non-issue. I definitely recommend trying Le Guerisseur to anyone looking for a one of a kind massage experience."-Leila B. New York
Friday, January 8, 2016
Maria is the best massage therapist.
"I've known Maria since 2001 and she's the best!!! I've been seeing her once a month for 14 years and that speaks very highly about her consistency, demeanor, professionalism and results that I've received. Over the years I've dealt with a number of sports injuries that have sidelined me for awhile but Maria has helped me recover quickly. I can't say enough good things about her. She always has a smile on her face and is incredibly punctual. If I could give her 10 stars I end up giving her 100. :))
Her new studio is fantastic and easy to find up here on Queen Anne Hill. You gotta give her a try!!" -George A. Queen Anne
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