Massage is not a luxury; it's maintenance our bodies deserve. Natural health thru healing massage.
"Best in Seattle"
Sharing words of wisdom for HIGH OCTANE, balanced, integrated, high vibrational living with Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
What was the number one song the day you were born?
"You light up my life" -Debbie Boone. Number one song day I was born!
Potato Bug animal spirit guide:
I was out at the barn, and had a brief moment where I took a seat. Upon gazing down on the cement floor, I focus on a Potato Bug who crawls to my boot, and stops. COmpletely still. I notice the potato bug. Here is the message/gift:Potato Bug -- Childhood, innocence, the enjoyment of just playing. Good enough message for me!!! PLAYTIME!
I commit from this day forward to loving myself deeply and extravagantly.
"I believe a woman who loves herself is a powerful, passionate, attractive force and I commit from this day forward to loving myself deeply and extravagantly". -Jane Phillips
The wise person and the optimist walk into a juice bar:
The wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone. And the optimist is someone who figures that taking a step backwards after taking a step forward is not a disaster, its more like a cha-cha! They call it a scholarly dance through life!
"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. LISTEN HARD. Practice wellness. PLAY with abandon. LAUGH. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Live as if this is all there is". -Mary Anne Radmacher
George A. Recommends Maria Toro, LMP for MASSAGE THERAPY and ART!
"I've known Maria for over ten years and every single massage over those last 10 years has been terrific. Maria is such a positive, personable, massage therapist... always trying to do a better massage than the time before. My wife and I just came back from Maui and had a couples massage outdoors that didn't even come close to a massage from Maria!! I play a lot of tennis and Maria is the only one who can get me back in shape after I've injured myself. She always listens to what is bothering you and works with you to alleviate future concerns. If you haven't been to Maria or if it's been a while since you've seen her, call her to find out what I've been saying for years about her!!
In addition to being a terrific licensed massage therapist, Maria is a terrific painter! Her office always has her latest work which she is very passionate about."
-George A.
(Queen Anne)
People will make time for who they want to make time for. People call, text and reply to people they want to talk to. NEVER believe anyone who says they are too busy. IF they wanted to be around you, they would! PAY attention to what people are showing you, actions speak loudest. XO, Meta-Maria!
Men should be easier than horses; AND more fun to ride. Think about that next time your with your man, dating… and/or choosing a partner! Naw on that! XO, MJT
Friday, February 27, 2015
Stacya recommends Maria Toro for massage!
This is where my LMP, Maria Toro can be found. If you are looking for a great massage, not just a relaxing massage, but one that can address injuries and pain, Maria is your person. She is amazing. Really knows what she is doing. I came to her with a pretty painful shoulder, and could hardly move it. After one 90 minute session I had more mobility. I have friends that rave about her, too. Great location, great body work. Five stars! - Stacya S. (Queen Anne)
Mini Bio:
Maria graduated Ashmead College, the evolution of Seattle Massage School in February 2001, top of her class, and has been practicing ever since. Maria is a local Queen Anne resident, and full time student, with sights set on Acupuncture, oriental medicine and Naturopathic medicine. Maria has been an equestrian since the age of 5, and enjoys oil painting, yoga and Pilates with her free time. Maria’s foundation is scientific and therapeutic; she is passionate about holistic healing. Over the years Maria has been committed to continued education, expanding on her tools available while in session, which includes treatment bodywork, deep tissue, sports massage, Thai yoga massage, hot stone massage, sound healing, chakra balancing, energy work and much more! Maria is a true healer, balancing and connecting body, mind and energy, noting that each session will be different and customized for what you present on that day. In November 2010, Allure Magazine voted Maria J. Toro LMP, as “Best in Seattle”. Book an appointment today and experience total relaxation, healing and maintenance your body deserves.
Carolyn recommends Maria J. Toro, LMP for massage on Queen Anne!
My Massage Therapist is Maria Toro. I've been seeing Maria for 12 years and follow wherever she might go. Her skill level hasn't plateaued since my first massage. I always look forward to her technique and know that my problem areas will be addressed and get some relief. I find that massage can be so many things to so many different styles of people and everyone I've recommended Maria to have thanked me. She is an artist in how to approach people and their bodies. If you are looking for a partner in health and wellness please go see Maria.
"Best Massage in Seattle"
Schedule your session today, and see why Allure Magazine named Maria Toro, LMP "Best massage in Seattle". Call or text: (206) 941-8560. Located in the Upper Queen Anne neighborhood in Seattle Washington. Healing therapy!
Seagull Animal Spirit guide:
One of my totem animals is the seagull! So I thought I would share seagull meaning/medicines: Seagull:
Seagulls are spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication with guides is taking place. He shows how to see above situations with a higher clarity and teaches that there are many perspectives to consider. Seagull shows a sense friendship and community and the cooperation that is needed for the whole to operate successfully. He teaches how to ride the currents of the mental, emotional and physical worlds. Are you going with the flow or fighting it? Are you cooperating with others? Are you open to your guides? Seagull can teach you many lessons of looking, living and being. It is time to listen and watch for the nuances and timing of action.
The Seagull
Joy Freedom Perspective
Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the seagull fill you.
Soar in joy. Soar in freedom. Feel your power. You are the seagull!
The seagull knows that freedom is a state of mind and of the heart. She can teach you to let your heart soar on the wings of freedom and joy, no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing. She will help lift you out of the sands of worry and petty concerns and into the soaring heights of being one with all that is: one with the ocean, one with the land, one with the vast and glorious sky.
The seagull will also teach you perspective. Whenever you care to, she will take you for a ride, up into the sky and across the vast ocean, where you will see that your cares are as small as the grains of sand on the beach. She will teach you that your power is limitless and unbounded and that all you need to do is stretch out your wings and let life carry you.
Feel the freedom in your heart. Smell the salt air as you soar across the vast ocean. Feel the wind beneath your wings lifting you higher and higher, endlessly higher. Fill yourself with all of this power, the power to be all that you truly are, fully and freely expressed. For you are the seagull, and freedom is yours!
Gull,-- Spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication is taking place spiritually with the deities. Gulls also teaches releasing fear by showing that there are many perspectives to consider and it is time to change yours. Soar above your problems, watch how you behave and don't be a pest
Herring Gull -- Always a complicated story, body language reveals the truth, prefers water to wine, gets what it wants,by bullying
Seagull,-- The Seagull is a survivor and will survive under the worst conditions. It can go for long periods of time without food and will eat anything if they have to in order to survive. It represents stamina, perseverance, and cunning. But it can also be mischievous, selfish, and quarrelsome. The power of the Seagull can also get rid of negative powers, such as when thousands of grasshoppers ravaged the Midwest back in the 1930s and seagulls were sent by the Great Creator to purify the pestilence. A flock of Seagulls inland flying around in circles is a warning that a bad storm is coming.
When someone you love, passes; you never really get over the loss, nor the hole that this loss creates. To love, fills us with such greatness, completing our basic need of connection/ human interaction. To lose a loved one, cuts us down to our core, exposes all vulnerabilities, we are left, sometimes, dark and raw. Slowly, somehow, you get through the day, each day. In new ways you think of them, maybe have conversations with them, in ways you couldn't before… U notice: They never leave your heart, memories, and truly/scientifically- energy never dies… It simply changes forms = transforms. And so, I will see you again, and talk to you again, and hug you and be with you. As you transform, as will I. New found awarenesses! I hear you on the radio, I smell you from time to time, I know you are next to me as I walk, and I love the gifts you sometimes will share with me on the sidewalks! My favorite still, is when I see you clearly in my dreams, and we are in forms I recognize with ease. Your messages I still hear, as you planted so many seeds within me. And so it goes... Remaining in this cycle, called life. I will think of you always. Thank you for the blessings of these lessons. With love, M. Toro
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Thought of the day:
BE OPEN!!! You can't hide your needs. Strip defenses. Be exposed. Be transparent. Be vulnerable. YOU are SAFE. Verbalize and vocalize. GROW. Enjoy the ride! XO, Meta-Maria
BAT Animal Spirit Guide:
LAst night, while riding the horses at the barn, I noticed that we were not alone. WE had a friendly little barn bat with us, appeared to dance as he flew to catch his dinner. I have always believed in the powerful essence of animals, and that they have secret messages to share with us if we are tuned in and paying attention. Take notice of your surroundings, which animals are coming to you, offering you their healing medicines? In my case of the bat, I went online and looked up my message, and I copied it to share with you! Her name is under her title and I will include source at end! ENjoy!! XOXO, MJT
Bat Power Animal Symbol Of Rebirth
By Ina Woolcott
Bat’s wisdom includes shamanic death and rebirth, initiation, viewing past lives, pollination of new ideas, transition, understanding grief, the use of vibrational sound, camouflage, invisibility, ability to observe unseen, secrets.
Shaman initiates go through a ritual death, sometimes with the aid of teacher plants and/or fasting. Here they confront their fears and are reborn without their old identities. Bats help us to release fear and patterns which no longer fits within our pattern of growth.
Bat flying into your life signifies that transformation of the ego self is about to occur, the end of a way of life and the start of another. This transition can be very frightening for many, even just to think about. But you will not grow spiritually until you let go these old parts of you that are NOT NEEDED. Facing the darkness before you will help you find the light in rebirth. The bat gives you the wisdom required to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity.
Bats have needle like teeth and can sometimes be rabies carriers, an infectious disease of the blood. It can cause a person to go mad. Fears that are permitted to spread, unchecked will in the end saturate our system, and can create a kind of madness within our lives. Bats reflect the need to face up to our fears. (Has anyone ever seen Batman Begins with Christian Bale? An amazing movie AND an amazing actor!)
There are various species of bat, with widely diverse traits. There are small and large bats. With a couple of exceptions, large bats live on fruit and get around visually. Smaller bats mainly feed on insects, catching them on the wing using echolocation. This is where an animal makes sounds and listens for the echoes reflected from surfaces and objects in the environment. With their amazing auditory perception bats are able to navigate through the dark with great ease. They have built in sonar’s, which give them the ability to know what lies beneath the surface. Generally those with this power animal have uncanny abilities to discern hidden messages both from people and the environment. When one has mastered this medicine, intuitive and clairaudient abilities are accurate.
Studies have bee carried out on bats such as being put in a fridge. When this happens they immediately go into a hibernation mode. When taken back out and warmed up they are totally unharmed, unique for a warm blooded mammal. This shows that the bats life force is strong, and it regenerates it when needed.
If this is your power animal, you would benefit from all types of yogic practices, especially those to do with awakening the kundalini.
Bat are extremely adaptable. All that has to do with them from their senses, feeding, flight and mating to size is perfectly matched to their particular environment. The message for you here may be to assess your surroundings to see what bounty is there for you for the taking, and then adapting/changing patterns so you can receive it.
Unbalanced bats will get ‘scrambled’ and perplexed, flying into things. Are you coming up against obstacles as you try and get what you need and want in life? If so the message for you here may be for you to take a step back to re-gain your bearings and decide the importance of what you are seeking.
Bats are sociable animals which can indicate a need for more sociability or increased opportunity with greater numbers of people.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Jayne D. RECOMMENDS Maria Toro for BEST massage in Seattle
I have been a regular client of Maria's for years and I never leave disappointed. She always focuses on my trouble spots but somehow seems to find ones I wasn't even aware of. If you are looking for a deep tissue massage this is the gal for you. Maria is always upbeat and positive and her studio is warm and inviting..If your lucky you may get to snuggle on the way out with Molly and GG her canine and feline companions!!
> Jayne
Thought of the day:
When LIFE is organized. IT works without certainty. (Chew on that)! XO, Meta-Maria
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Andrea G. HIGHLY recommends Maria Toro for massage!
I highly recommend Mario J Toro, I met Maria Toro about 3 yrs ago and decided to give her a try. I was very impressed with her professional practice, her ability to find the sore spots, and the results I encountered. I have had chronic hip and back issues since I was a teen, I am active: ride horses, golf, and do many things that seem to strain on my neck and back. As a result of her awesome spot on massage, I have been free from chiropractic care for over 2 yrs and have felt better than ever! A steady schedule keeps me in good shape and relieves any pain targets. Maria is very knowledgable and seems to have a special gift. I do recommend her whenever a colleage has an issue. Try her, she is the best.
Andrea Kirby Gallacci
Never second guess the heart or intuition.
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary". -Steve Jobs
Word of the day:
Well, I mine as well stick to the flow that is: HAPPY.
adjective, happier, happiest.
delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing:
to be happy to see a person.
characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy:
a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky:
a happy, fruitful land.
apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.
obsessed by or quick to use the item indicated (usually used in combination):
a trigger-happy gangster. Everybody is gadget-happy these days.
overhappy, adjective
quasi-happy, adjective
Synonyms Expand
1. joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, gay, blissful, satisfied. 3. favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous. See fortunate. 4. appropriate, fitting, opportune, pertinent.
1. sad. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2015.
Cite This Source
Examples from the web for happy Expand
The film smuggled its politics in under the guise of two happy -go-lucky gals taking a road trip together.
And if you're lucky, you find something that makes you happy.
For the moment, they are happy enough with their changed circumstances.
My source:
Just choose Happy my friends!
Breath work: it is HEALING.
Our breath is vital to our life and living. We can directly heal ourselves through our breath work. When I meditate I will even focus on specific areas that need healing attention. For 3 counts I inhale, pause, for 9 counts I exhale, Pause, repeat. This is a healing breath work that can be applied anywhere; if you are stressed in your car or work, feeling fatigued and you need that boost, you got it… INHALE for 3, exhale for 9, repeat. Lastly, on the note of breath, when you hear an alarm go off, a bell sound, any noise you might find offensive, next time try this: reach for your breath, INHALE for 3 and exhale for 9, repeat. You will feel a world of difference, and that is simply using and exploring your precious lungs that you already came equipped with at birth! Inhale for 3 and exhale for 9 counts, repeat! Have a great day friends. XO, Meta-Maria!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Angie S. recommends Maria Toro for massage therapy!
Maria is an amazing massage therapist and I highly recommend her! One of the main attributes that separates Maria from other massage therapists is that she can always tell when I've picked up certain habits, such as grinding my teeth. As a result, she routinely massages/exercises my jaw and immediately I feel the tension release - it's incredible! Another thing I love about Maria is that she changes up the routine in what she feels I could benefit from including utilizing hot rocks, etc. Maria is really good at helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle and is truly great at her craft. I would (and often do) recommend her to anyone!
> Angie S.
> Seattle, WA.
I came across this message and thought I should share it with you. "Love is that which enables choice. Love is always stronger than fear. Always choose on the basis of LOVE". XO...LOve you, Meta-Maria
Word of the day:
Ties in with the thought of the day: PLAY! noun
a dramatic composition or piece; drama.
a dramatic performance, as on the stage.
exercise or activity for amusement or recreation.
fun or jest, as opposed to seriousness:
I said it merely in play.
a pun.
the playing, action, or conduct of a game:
The pitcher was replaced in the fourth inning of play.
the manner or style of playing or of doing something:
We admired his fine play throughout the game.
verb (used with object)
to act the part of (a person or character) in a dramatic performance; portray:
to play Lady Macbeth.
to perform (a drama, pantomime, etc.) on or as if on the stage.
to act or sustain (a part) in a dramatic performance or in real life:
to play the role of benefactor.
to act the part or character of in real life:
to play the fool; to play God.
to give performances in, as a theatrical company does:
to play the larger cities.
to engage in (a game, pastime, etc.).
to contend against in a game.
verb (used without object)
to exercise or employ oneself in diversion, amusement, or recreation.
to do something in sport that is not to be taken seriously.
to amuse oneself; toy; trifle (often followed by with).
to take part or engage in a game.
to take part in a game for stakes; gamble.
to conduct oneself or act in a specified way:
to play fair.
to act on or as if on the stage; perform.
Verb phrases
play along,
to cooperate or concur; go along.
to pretend to cooperate or concur.
play around, Informal.
to behave in a playful or frivolous manner; fool around.
to be sexually promiscuous.
to be sexually unfaithful.
play at,
to pretend interest in:
It's obvious that you're just playing at fishing for my sake.
to do something without seriousness:
He is merely playing at being a student.
play back, to play (a recording, especially one newly made):
Play it back and let's hear how I sound.
play down, to treat as of little importance; belittle:
He has consistently played down his own part in the successful enterprise.
play off,
Sports. to play an extra game or round in order to settle a tie.
Sports. to engage in an elimination game or games after the regular season is over in order to determine the champion.
to set (one person or thing) against another, usually for one's own gain or advantage:
The children could usually get what they wanted by playing one parent off against the other.
play on /upon, to exploit, as the feelings or weaknesses of another; take selfish advantage of:
She would never think of playing on the good nature of others.
bring into play, to put into motion; cause to be introduced:
New evidence has been brought into play in this trial.
come to play, Informal. to be disposed to play or participate in a manner reflecting a determination to win or succeed:
We're a small new business, but we came to play.
in /out of play, in or not in the state of being played during a game:
The umpire says the ball was not in play.
make a play for, Informal.
to try to attract, especially sexually:
He made a play for his friend's girlfriend.
to attempt to gain by impressing favorably:
This ad will make a play for new consumer markets.
play ball. ball1(def 23).
play both ends against the middle, to maneuver opposing groups in order to benefit oneself.
play by ear, to play (music or a musical instrument) without printed music, as by memory of what one has heard or by unschooled musical instinct.
Origin Expand
Middle EnglishOld English
900before 900; (noun) Middle English pleye, Old English plega; (v.) Middle English pleyen, Old English pleg (i) an (cognate with Middle Dutch pleien to leap for joy, dance, rejoice, be glad)
Related forms Expand
playingly, adverb
playless, adjective
playlike, adjective
counterplay, noun
nonplaying, adjective
Synonyms Expand
2. show. 3. diversion, pastime. Play, game, sport refer to forms of diverting activity. Play is the general word for any such form of activity, often undirected, spontaneous, or random: Childhood should be a time for play. Game refers to a recreational contest, mental or physical, usually governed by set rules: a game of chess.Besides referring to an individual contest, game may refer to a pastime as a whole: Golf is a good game.If, however, the pastime is one (usually an outdoor one) depending chiefly on physical strength, though not necessarily a contest, the word sport is applied: Football is a vigorous sport. 18, 19. liberty. 23. enact. 25. personate, impersonate. 30. use. 32. bet. 33. back. 45. sport, frolic, romp, revel. 47. dally.
to occupy oneself in (a sport or diversion); amuse oneself in (a game)
(transitive) to contend against (an opponent) in a sport or game: Ed played Tony at chess and lost
to fulfil or cause to fulfil (a particular role) in a team game: he plays defence, he plays in the defence
MY source:
Thought of the day:
The importance of PLAY, not only as a child, but ALWAYS. PLAY each day. Use your imagination. Create worlds, places, spaces…EXPLORE. Stay youthful in curiosity. And PLAY. DO fun things in little ways all of the time. Laugh as often as you possibly can, and don't hold back…let it out! Smile and be happy. Remember to PLay today. XO, Playful Toro!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Word of the day:
an inspiring or animating action or influence:
I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
something inspired, as an idea.
a result of inspired activity.
a thing or person that inspires.
a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.
1. stimulus, incitement.
Choose YOU.
They say… " Do what you always do, and you will get what you always get"! Making tiny changes daily and choosing your own health and fitness first will make your whole life better. More energy. More productive. In relationships, career and finances! Focus on YOU. YOur own health. From your gratitude thoughts upon waking up, to the morning workout routine, to the healthy smoothie you created for your body to shine. Its the daily interactions we have with all of our relationships. The energy exchange that takes place. Do they charge you up or zap you? SAme with our food, is it HIGH OCTANE or garbage?! In every little detail, be alive, be mindful. SLOW DOWN. IS IT HIGH OCTANE fuel? Because you, my darlings need high octane to shine bright!
Let Go...
Life can sometimes be like a roller coaster. You can scream and freakout, making a big deal out of each turn and bump; or you can throw your hands up in the air, like you just don't care. LET GO!!! Enjoy the ride. "The darkest hour is just before dawn". Don't close your eyes or you will miss all the fun. LIVE life. That is the point. The good and the bad, it is what it is: all part of your experience. Our attitude defines and shapes this existence. Just Flow my friends. SO much love and laughter. XO, Meta-Maria!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Norm M. of seattle recommends Maria Toro, LMP!
"Hi Maria,
> Please feel free to use this endorsement.
> I am pleased to endorse Maria as an exceptional and gifted massage therapist. Her knowledge of physiology and natural healing instincts compliment her charming and cheerful demeanor and personality. These attributes and her skills make her my personal therapist, in addition to being a friend. I can recommend her to anyone with confidence knowing they will benefit from the experience.
> Regards,
> Norm "
High Energy, High Vibration and High Frequency.
Ways to master your own life begin with simple daily steps in the following areas:Awareness/mindfulness.
Time management. Work/Career/Education. Finances. Relationships. Physical body. Emotions. Spiritual. Energy.
To delicately balance and nourish all of these areas, so that your life force is over flowing with positivity yet grounded and securely anchored to your heart's dreams/passions. Anything is possible if you are creative enough to imagine it, and brave enough to say it, then actions follow suit!
Its important to be aware of what we consume: food, TV, friends, music… Keep everything high octane to produce high octane! XO, High Octane Toro!
(More to come)
Super foods we should be eating:
When it comes to your health, nutrition is the most important factors.I constantly battle this. I have a huge sweet tooth. So instead of focusing on my vices, I am focused on what I can add to make things better. Even with exercise, nutrition makes up 85% of the results you see! I know I need to eat well, but with the chaotic schedule I follow, it can be tough to get in all of my essential nutrients and stay on track. If I want to boost my nutrients without having to feel deprived, especially in the beginning.
So, what is a superfood ehh?
A superfood can be defined by its above average nutrition density. These types of foods are especially rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, far more than most ordinary foods out there. Most importantly, superfoods have a direct and positive impact on your health. Think shiny happy people!
1. Goji berries
This Himalayan super fruit contains plenty of essential amino acids, which are needed for repair and recovery of muscle tissue. It also hosts a large number of vitamins and minerals that support immune function, fight disease, and improve brain-to-body communications. Best of all, they taste amazing! Great for athletes and students! …ok, and everyBODY.
Vitamin C helps to boost immunity
Vitamin E supports heart health
Antioxidants fight disease
2. Apple cider vinegar
While some folks are turned off by the taste of vinegar, there is no denying the amazing health benefits that ACV, or apple cider vinegar does provide. Used since ancient times, vinegar has long been around as a health elixir. It contains an assortment of vitamins such as B6, C, and E as well as important trace minerals such as calcium, sodium, and magnesium.
Helps with detoxification
Reduces cholesterol
Acts as a natural anti-bacterial/anti-microbial
Balances Ph
3. Garlic
That’s right: The thing that perfects our Italian dishes is a very well known superfood. When you eat garlic raw (I would recommend peeling the skin, and letting it rest on the counter for 15-20 minutes to collect all the healing benefits packed into those tiny cloves) you are taking advantage of a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The benefits that garlic can provide have been touted by people for many years.
Protects you from cardiovascular disease
Gives your immune system a boost
Protects you from and disposes of harmful heavy metals
Raw garlic is my go to when I feel under the weather.
4. Honey
Honey is one of the oldest known superfoods to have been cultivated and used by ancient cultures. It truly has set the bar high for other superfoods as it contains an absurd amount of essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Its impressive nutrient profile is second only to its proven medicinal benefits.
Natural anti-bacteria that helps to fight infection
Helps wounds to heal
Acts as an anti-inflammatory
(And many more benefits!)
****MY dad swore by garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey, LONG ago as an professional boxer!
5. Vita-mineral Greens
Super food extraordinaire! Saving the best for last: Blend spoonful into a smoothie. Collect all your greens. Everything is packed into this mighty superfood. Hi energy, high vibrational food!
XO, Meta-Maria!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Thought of the day:
Respect self. Love self. LEARN to take care of self: Physically, Athletically, Emotionally and Intellectually. Smart, athletic woman RULE. Be athletic! Lose weight. The more athletic I am, the more balanced I am. Be owned by athleticism and health! FITNESS IS: defense of the self. Developing as a woman, as a human being. Balancing self. Eating healthier: more diverse, so to not get bored. Making food in advance. Workout and food diary. Noting when emotions effect appetite. Drinking lots of water, about 1/2 your body weight, in ounces. RAISE VIBRATION: healthy strong signal. If you don't take care of your body = you don't get respected. Discipline = vision. Workout, eat. Workout, fuel, Workout eat…take my time, everything takes forever. On a journey with you. XO, Maria
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Choosing the right massage for you:
Swedish massage: The Swedish massage is often the most widely requested type of massage. It is a very light touch, engaging whole-body massage, designed for maximum relaxation. Massage oil is used and applied long strokes in the same direction as the flow of blood to the heart. In order to warm up the muscles, increase relaxation decrease waste, using kneading motions to break up “knots” in the muscles.
*This type of massage is recommended for beginners or those who are fatigued or exhausted, or who, are sensitive needing lighter touch, as this type of massage is relaxing and invigorating at the same time.
Deep tissue massage: This type of massage is similar to the Swedish massage, but instead of an all-over massage, the therapist focuses on the deep muscle and connective tissue. Using specialized tools and massage in cross-directions over the muscle tissue. After a deep tissue massage, it is not uncommon to feel sore for several days because the massage techniques can actually break up scar tissue that exists on the muscles.
*This type of massage is recommended for those who have chronic muscle pain in specific areas, those who have repetitive strain injuries, osteoarthritis pain or postural problems.
Hot Stone massage: Hot stone massage engages in traditional massage, but includes the use hot stones as a form of thermotherapy. The specially crafted hot stone and places these stones in strategic muscle spots. The therapist may use the stone to further massage the muscle or simply leave it in place so the heat will sink deep into the muscle.
*This type of massage is recommended for anybody who can handle a regular massage, but would prefer the use of heat therapy along with the muscle manipulation.
Reflexology: Reflexology is a type of massage that utilizes pressure points in one area of the body to help alleviate pain and address issues occurring in a different section of the body. These pressures points are usually in the hands and feet. Unlike deep-tissue massage, reflexology is usually free of pain and very relaxing.
*This type of massage is recommended for those who suffer from arthritis, stress-related conditions, insomnia, digestive problems or tension headaches.
Sports Massage: Although called a sports massage because the most frequent customer for this type of massage is an athlete, this type of massage can be requested by anybody. The purpose of a sports massage is to prepare the athlete’s muscles for intense competition. The purpose of a sports massage is to increase flexibility, improve endurance and prevent injury.
*This type of massage is recommended for athletes, especially those with previous injuries. It is also recommended for non-athletes who suffer from muscle injuries, chronic pain or a restricted range of motion.
Thought of the day:
Attitude + Discipline = Growth.
Body + Mind = Energy.
Develop Power.
Meta = "Higher Level"
Aim High.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Secret SAVINGS!!
Book Now until the end of the month (*and you must mention you saw this blog), 60 minutes for $60 or 90 minutes for $90!!! This is a $30 savings or 90 minute massage for the price of 60 minutes!!! SIMPLY SAY: SECRET SAVINGS! Book your value NOW! 206-941-8560 XO, Maria
Recommendations taken directly from Yelp!
"Maria is an amazing massage practitioner and healer!
Walking into the office you immediately feel your stress melt away as Maria greets you with her warm smile and peaceful energy. She genuinely cares about her clients and believes in bringing the whole body, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally into balance. Her massages are more of a spiritual experience, working with your body on a very intuitive level. And for those of you who seem to think a female masseuse is unable to give a truly deep tissue massage, Maria will prove you wrong. The most amazing part is that she is able to do so without it feeling like she is even trying.
I no longer live in Seattle, but whenever I come back for a visit, I try to get in for an hour or two with Maria". -Alison T.
"Maria gives the best massage in Seattle! She's lovely, her office is beautiful and welcoming and her technique always leaves me feeling lighter and more relaxed. And perhaps best of all, I feel like my whole being is healed when I leave. Though she's on Queen Anne, parking is plentiful on this block, so don't worrk about that"! -Julie S.
"I absolutely love my sessions with Maria! I have been seeing Maria for over five years and love her holistic approach to healing. I have not had back pain since starting sessions with her, something I had previously suffered from chronically. The atmosphere she creates is extremely relaxing, and I leave sessions feeling rejuvenated. Whether a deep tissue session or an hour of hot stone therapy it's amazing"! -Elizabeth A.
"I've known Maria for over ten years and every single massage over those last 10 years has been terrific. Maria is such a positive, personable, massage therapist... always trying to do a better massage than the time before. My wife and I just came back from Maui and had a couples massage outdoors that didn't even come close to a massage from Maria!! I play a lot of tennis and Maria is the only one who can get me back in shape after I've injured myself. She always listens to what is bothering you and works with you to alleviate future concerns. If you haven't been to Maria or if it's been a while since you've seen her, call her to find out what I've been saying for years about her!!
In addition to being a terrific licensed massage therapist, Maria is a terrific painter! Her office always has her latest work which she is very passionate about". - George A.
"I came out of my session with Maria feeling powerful in my body. It was not only a massage but a session in healing. As a runner and athlete it is nice to find a massage therapist who has first hand experience with the major problems and injuries athletes can acquire. She gave me tips and exercises to do at home to continue healing everyday. Her practice isn't bogged down by the rules of spas and clinics so she has more power over the time and essence of your session, it IS about you.
Her space is comfortable and beautiful, decorated with her own artwork (which I loved). With an open heart I would recommend Maria to anyone looking for a massage therapist". _Amanda W.
"I have had massages at spas all over the United States.....Maria Toro is as good as it gets! Whether for deep tissue, energy work or relaxation, Maria is the best massage therapist I have ever experienced. She is great lady with positive energy. She has treated our entire family of five for many years -- we all rave about her!! Spring into Springtime in Seattle -- get a massage from Maria Toro at Le Guerisseur". -Kenneth B.
"Maria Toro is easily one of the best in her field, and definitely the best masseuse in Seattle. As well as being one of the most welcoming and personable people I have ever experienced, Maria offers a wide range of massage techniques to cater to all needs. I have visited her for both a pampering massage and another time to address chronic shoulder pain and in both instances she used different techniques to insure the best results, leaving me feeling energized and loosened up after the session. The icing on the cake is her extremely affordable prices and intimate workspace, her studio is tucked away on Queen Anne Hill away from the congestion of the city, making parking a breeze and traffic a non-issue. I definitely recommend trying Le Guerisseur to anyone looking for a one of a kind massage experience". -Leila B.
"Maria is awesome- she always mixes it up and has a true passion for her for her profession. Highly recommended"! -Shawn B.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Magnesium Oil is VERY healing!
There is a nutrient out there that people don’t generally think of when discussing essential minerals for the human body. But according to The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, a person with a deficiency in magnesium is twice as likely to die as other people. Magnesium is vital to the body, and its health benefits are profound.
Some of the benefits of magnesium include maintaining blood pressure at a normal level, keeping bones strong and heart rhythm steady. Magnesium also helps boost energy levels, so if you find yourself feeling unnecessarily lethargic and weak it could be due to a lack of magnesium in your diet.
One of the major health benefits of magnesium is its effect on osteoporosis. Mainly, several studies have shown that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Because a lack of magnesium can alter calcium metabolism and result in osteoporosis, including it in your diet can help one avert osteoporosis.
Studies have shown that approximately 68-75% of American adults are magnesium deficient. While magnesium may sound like a difficult and complicated vitamin to include in your diet, it is actually much easier to do than many think. The recommended magnesium intake per day for young adults is around 400 mg/day for men and 310 mg/day for women and 420 mg/day for men and 320 mg/day for women for adults over 30. Here are some great ways to add some more magnesium to your body.
Food: The easiest and quickest way to get more magnesium is to eat foods that are rich in magnesium. Foods like beans and nuts are particularly high in magnesium. Vegetables may be the premier source of magnesium especially for the health-conscious, since you can get a large amount of magnesium into your system while ingesting a relatively small amount of calories. Leafy greens such as spinach are a great source of magnesium. And for those of you with a sweet tooth, one cup of dark chocolate will give you enough to satisfy your necessary daily intake of magnesium.
Supplements: When the diet isn’t cutting it, you can always count on supplements to satisfy your daily magnesium requirement. You can get most supplements over the counter, but take them in moderation as too much magnesium could have a laxative effect.
Epsom Salt Baths: A nice way to unwind after a hard day of work could also help boost your magnesium levels. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, and Epsom salt baths are a great way to absorb the needed magnesium in through your skin.
Go for a swim in the ocean: If you live near an ocean or other salt water body, going for a swim will be great exercise and get you the magnesium needed. Since ocean water is rich in magnesium, your body will absorb the magnesium giving you your daily dose without any hassle.
So while many are focused on the more well-known nutrients, don’t let your magnesium intake fall by the wayside. It is easy to get and will help you live a long and healthy life
Magnesium oil:
I can't get enough of Dermamag! Very healing properties. I have used it nightly to spray onto the bottoms of my feet, then a foot massage to follow. This not only gets the magnesium into my body, I directly heal my body with hands on reflexology work, as our feet, hands and ears all have a map of the body. Its a great way to check in and heal, clear out imbalances whole body. I have used it for chronic pain, and acute injuries. I was thrown from my horse and landed on pavement. I used handfuls of dermamag in my recovery process. Simply massaging it directly into the tissue where the injury/pain occurs. With my acute injury, I dosed up throughout the day, lathering on magnesium oil. With my chronic injuries, I spray effected area directly and massage into tissue. I believe I heal faster because of it. Magnesium oil alleviates pain where sprayed! Just don't place it near your face! It is a salt, and does slightly tingle the skin while being massaged in. Its worth popping onto the website, and watching the video for further education/understanding. It's kinda slow for smart people, but still informative! I get no kickbacks for mentioning them, its just a solid healing product, and as my friends, you should know.
"Best in Seattle"
Voted "Best in Seattle" by Allure MAgazine, November 2010. "Lé Guerisseur MARIA TORO Massage, $90 and up 311 W. McGraw St. 206-941-8560 We had heard that Toro has a gift for massage, so we kept an open mind when she placed clear quartz on our palms "for healing." Then she really got down to business, her hands traversing our body in strong, calculated movements. She used a pulsating motion that seemed to make our muscles vibrate, and increased the pressure on our perpetually tense neck. In no time at all, she had made us a believer."
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