Massage is not a luxury; it's maintenance our bodies deserve. Natural health thru healing massage.
"Best in Seattle"
Sharing words of wisdom for HIGH OCTANE, balanced, integrated, high vibrational living with Maria J. Toro, LMP.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Healing happens all of the time.
The body knows how to heal itself. The challenge is to get out of its way.
Word Up Yo!
“It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self
love deficit.”
― Eartha Kitt
Word Up Yo!
" I have a suit in my closet with all the pockets cut out. It is a reminder that I won't be taking anything with me." -Dr.Wayne W. Dyer
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Thought Of The Day:
Medicine is not health care. FOOD is health care. EXERCISE is healthcare. HYDRATION is health care. REST is health care. BREATHING is health care. MASSAGE is health care. ACUPUNCTURE is health care. NATURE is health care. My dear friends, Medicine is sick care. It's never to late to start a new beginning. LOVE yourself, that is health care. Prevention is health care. What are you doing today for health care?
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Massage benefits will increase with frequent visits:
Getting a massage on a regular basis can and WILL change your life for the BETTER. Scheduling massages/bodywork frequently can do worlds more for your overall health and well being. This is the secret to bodywork. Regularly scheduled self-care IS a significant part in how healthy you’ll be and feel and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. The more consistent bodywork, the higher vibration and frequency your energy will soar! Make certain to Budget time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals. This is most effective and beneficial for you. Your body will thank you. THIS is truly an investment in your health. You deserve it, And remember: just because massage feels like a luxury, doesn’t mean it is any less therapeutic, it is maintenance our bodies deserve! Schedule a massage today with the "Best massage in Seattle" Maria J. Toro, LMP. 206-941-8560
Friday, August 28, 2015
Word up Yo:
"Show respect even to those who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours." -Dave Willis
Thought of the day:
As long as you are still breathing, it is NEVER too late to START a new beginning. Just remember this, Your BEST (6) doctors are: 1- FRESH AIR. 2-EXERCISE. 3-H2O, WATER yo! 4- REST. 5- Nutrient Density diet. 6- Sunshine/nature.
Word up yo!
"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." -Jane Goodell
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Thought of the day:
Use SKILLS of awareness. Don't use control. LIVE with many levels. NO PERFECTIONS. Flex and un-flex. Real choice making here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tuesdays are for FLYING with Larry.
Yes, THAT was awesome. She was my plane for a long haul today. I continued elevation climb, and held steady at 500feet/minute to clear first ridge past Squeim. Larry took the plane back, and we dove at 1500 feet/minute along the canyon. Just spectacular and a total RUSH. He cornered her and I gazed out my window at the tops of trees so close by, just past our 19 foot wing! He did a nice tight turn in the canyon and dove down the valley to landing in Port Angelos. We hopped out and took a look around at NO ACTION, and boarded the Stationair 206. He said, YOUR PLANE! With that, I SMILED and taxied us down the runway. We waited while a touch and go was on final. My takeoff was my best yet, especially with the crosswind. I had the mental time to see the flight before taking off to go thru a plan in my head with the weather conditions, knowing I would have to meet my right cross wind and not allow the nose to push us up to stall. BEST YET. I flew us out of the pattern and all the way home to Paine Field to land. I ALMOST had our landing, I needed help right at the very end. Larry said, "YOU ALMOST HAD IT< SO CLOSE!" Practice makes better. I am beginning to wear her! Next time!
Thought of the day:
Care less about what you own…or that which owns you. Care more about how you LIVE life. Care more about how you can help others. BUILDING lasting relationships. Care more about LOVE. It is juiciest here. My friends: Care less about fears and worries and doubts, as they cause our suffering and dis-ease. Indeed: Care more about LIVING life passionately with an open heart for adventures and trusting the journey. Unexpected things will always happen. We will never have control, so loosen your grasp. Decide how you will ride the wave of life, choosing courage, HUMOR and grace. Be the QUEEN of your own life. JUST ADD LIPSTICK and SMILE. XOXO, In loving me, I love you. Meta-Maria
Monday, August 24, 2015
Seeing Maria J. Toro, LMP's" name on my calendar makes me happy!"
"Go and see Maria! I've been getting regular massages with her for over a year and it's the best thing I've done for my overall health and wellbeing. My workouts are better, my mindset is better, and I swear it's even improved my work performance. She's a wonderful person and will make you feel right at home. Seeing her name on my calendar makes me happy! -Stephanie N. of Seattle
Thought of the DAY:
Recently I went for a jaunt with a friend thru Pioneer Park on Mercer Island. He made some comment to me about "Me thinking highly of myself" and I followed it up with "of coarse, why wouldn't I? I am awesome." And in the moment in my mind, I thought, I LOVE MYSELF. Yet I held my tongue as I wanted to still come across as humble;). When the truth is… It took me a long time to find myself here. And now we need to celebrate this! If I asked you to name all the things that you absolutely LOVE. Just how long exactly, would it take, to name yourself? In LOVING me, I love YOU. XOXO, M.Toro
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Word up Yo!
"When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It's not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It's up to you. ENCOURAGEMENT should come from the inside." -Joel Osteen.
Maria J. Toro, LMP "Is an amazing intuitive healer…"
"Maria is an amazing intuitive healer and has a deeply calming presence. Her studio space in Queen Anne has a wonderfully clear energy and her massage table is the most comfortable bed I've been on! Her incorporation of crystals, essential oils and her own healing intuition took this massage to the next level. I cannot wait to go back as often as I can. I walked away from my first massage with Maria feeling light as air, with a smile on my face and a rejuvenated body, mind and spirit!" -Madelyn Y. of Seattle
Thursday, August 20, 2015
What You Think of Yourself, is What Counts.
People may know your name, but not your story. Maybe they have heard what you have accomplished and places you've gone, but not what you have been thru, not what you have witnessed and seen, nor had to survive…To BE the person that stands before them on this day. So take their opinions of you with a grain of salt. In the end, it's not what others think, but what you think of yourself that counts.
Thought of the Day:
Balance self. Be TRANSPARENT. Body/Mind integration. Develop and RELEASE. Be clear, take responsibility, so to take action! Progressive and respect for self.DON'T BE AFRIAD OF WHO YOU ARE. CHALLENGE FEAR, OPEN HEART. One step at a time, to hurry is a major mistake. OWN your own. Nobody is perfect, I/you/we: a powerful source of energy vortex. What am I/you/we capable of? XOXO, in loving myself, I LOVE YOU, Meta-Maria!
Substance = WEAKNESS.
If an addict is pleased with you…You are probably enabling their behavior; and if an addict is pissed at you…You are probably saving their life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Maria J. Toro, LMP "is the BEST!"
"Maria is the best! I have been going to her for little over a year now. I see her every two weeks for pain management due to a car accident or just a good old fashion stress relieving massage. My headache always disappear after I see her and I have never felt so relaxed. She is so diverse in her practice. She is able to manipulate each session to create the perfect massage for not only my pain but my mood Her studio is awesome and the location is primo on Queen Anne! Maris has night appointments which make her schedule perfect for professionals. I would highly recommend the Le Guerrisseur massage studio." Morgan R. of Upper Queen Anne.
Word up YO:
"He said, ""You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the end you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out, and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."" -The Velveteen Rabbit.
Thought of the Day:
KINDNESS makes YOU the most BEAUTIFUL person in the world, no matter what you look like.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Benefits of LAUGHING:
Laughing is one of my favorite things to do. It feels so good. Here are some other benefits: "reduces heart disease, natural pain killer, improves breathing, helps you lose weight, gives you a good sleep, decreases stress, makes you look young!" -source: ebjchechecastro
WALK it out:
John Tesh said, "Here’s why a morning walk helps us get more sleep at night: According to the National Sleep Foundation, our sleep is determined by our natural body clock, or circadian rhythm……And one of the easiest ways to RESET our body clock is to get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day. However, a recent study found that exercising in morning light works best…… Because morning light is filled with blue rays that synchronize our circadian rhythm. So when bedtime rolls around, we'll be primed to sleep." Indeed Henry David Thoreau was correct when he said, "An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."
Word up Yo!
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value." -Albert Einstein *all pronouns can take place of man.
Word up yo!
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
"How to stop time: Kiss. How to travel in time: READ. How to escape time: MUSIC. How to feel time, WRITE. How to release time: BREATHE." -unknown
Monday, August 17, 2015
"Maria is a true pro…I can't imagine life without her" . Schedule a session with Maria J. Toro, LMP
"Maria is a true pro! Our entire family has been going to her for 15 years. Her new studio on upper Queen Anne is amazing, an easily accessible, lovely space that makes you want to relax the second you enter. She is able to address any problem. Simply put, I can't imagine life without her." - Jan B. of Queen Anne
Thought of the day:
Long term health is on my mind today.Remember that old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure". Wisdom, and a great principle to keep in mind. CLEAN LIVING: increases chance at a HEALTHY, high vibrational life, that is functional. PAY ATTENTION to The Foods you/we/I eat. The quantity and quality of sleep. Athleticism, move it or lose it. Positive mindset. Receiving bodywork. water, breathe… Stretching. In loving me, I LOVE YOU. Meta-Maria
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Thought of the day:
"You surrender to a lot of things which are not worthy of you. I wish you would surrender to your radiance, your integrity, your beautiful grace." ~ Yogi Bhajan
Friday, August 14, 2015
Maria J. Toro, LMP is the "Best massage experience"
"Best massage experience, I keep coming back! Maria seems to intuitively adopt her practice to what your body needs most. Her space has a wonderful energy, and I alway leave feeling enlightened. Bang for the buck and the best massage in Seattle!" -Rylie D. of Seattle
Quote from Chief Tecumseh
"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and it's purpose in the service of the people. Prepare a noble song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault only lies in yourself.
Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of it's vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. SING your death song and die like a hero going home."
George gives Maria J. Toro, LMP "100 stars out of 10…she is the BEST!"
"I've known Maria since 2001 and she's the best!!! I've been seeing her once a month for 14 years and that speaks very highly about her consistency, demeanor, professionalism and results that I've received. Over the years I've dealt with a number of sports injuries that have sidelined me for awhile but Maria has helped me recover quickly. I can't say enough good things about her. She always has a smile on her face and is incredibly punctual. If I could give her 10 stars I end up giving her 100. :))
Her new studio is fantastic and easy to find up here on Queen Anne Hill. You gotta give her a try!!" - George A. of Seattle
Thought of the day:
TRuth. Artistry. Character. Consistent actions; who we are & where we go in life. Decisions; It is in these moments that our destiny is shaped. We have the capacity to change our behavior; which in turn changes our society as a whole. ELEVATE dear humans. Einstein said, "More the knowledge, lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego…" It ALL begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you…if you allow it. Likewise, choose positive thoughts/mindset: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. NOOOOOO short term distractions from the big picture. THAT is a form of self sabotage. Think more. FEEL more. SMILE more. Listen more. Accept more. DO more. Appreciate more. Give thanks more. LOVE more. *Promoting human values. Be a nice human. OXOX, Meta-Maria!
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Thought of the day:
I am in competition with no one. I run my own race, I dance to my own beat. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any shape or form. My only goal, my desire for myself is to aim to improve, to be better than I was before. This is freedom. This is me. You can mock me. You can watch me. You can try to block me… You probably should join me, because you cannot stop me. My will is fierce. Driven. Disciplined. I know who I am. I know my soul's purpose, and what I am here to do and experience. I know God. I see God everywhere, even in you and me. I am guided by spirit and not driven by ego. Keep calm, and book a session today! XO, MJT, LMP
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Thought of the day:
You are not defined by your past, it simply prepares you. The only way to change your life is to change something you do daily. The secret to your success is in your daily routine. By breaking out of your pattern or comfort zone, this is the direct pathway to growth. SOmetimes it is as simple as slowing down. Sometimes the most brilliant thing you can do is just relax, or schedule a massage! Benjamin Franklin said, "Many people die at 25 and aren't buried until they are 75." LIVE LIFE. BE HAPPY. GROW. LEARN. LET GO. LOVE. XOXO, MEta-Maria
Monday, August 10, 2015
positive attracts positive yo!
Kristen Butler said, "Focus more on the people who inspire you rather than annoy you. You'll get much more further in life." I think that applies to an even bigger picture: focus on the positive, positive mindset: and you will go further in life! As one wastes their breath complaining, another breathes their last. Take nothing for granted. Live more, complain less. Have more smiles, LESS STRESS. XOXO, Meta-Maria
Thursday, August 6, 2015
5 ways MASSAGE improves health:
1- Decreases STRESS. 2- Increases immune system! 3-Boosts mental health and wellness. 4-Manages or decreases or reduces or ELIMINATES pain! 5- Improves physical fitness. Schedule a massage today with "The Best In SEATTLE" according to Allure magazine. Two locations: Upper Queen Anne and Mercer Island. 206-941-8560 Thursdays thru Mondays, by appointment only. Maria J. Toro, LMP
6 Ways to Move with Grace Thru Transitions in Life.
Wayne Dyer said, "How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." Your beautiful smile is your logo to the world, and that personality of yours, IS your business card, and the way you make people FEEL is your trademark. Like the wise Bryant MgGill once said, "You have permission to walk away from anything that doesn't feel right. TRUST your instincts and LISTEN to your inner-voice; IT IS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU." IF our purpose in life is to enjoy every moment, than pay attention to the small moments. EnJOY the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize they were BIG things. And if the little moments/people don't serve/support/nourish your highest calling; LET IT GO. You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday's yuk! Jim Rohn said, "The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development. I used to say, "If you will take care of me, I will take care of you." Now I say, "I will take care of me for you if you will take care of you for me." Little nuggets of yumminess: The jest is: 1-TAKE CARE OF SELF FIRST. 2- LET GO. 3- DOn't take anything personal. 4-Put good back out there in the universe. 5-Listen to your inner voice. 6-Stay connected to heart center. In loving myself, I LOVE YOU. XOXO, Meta-MAria!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Do what you love. Do what you want:
Spend MORE TIME doing the things you LOVE, that fills your soul with PASSION. This brings you JOY and you will be filled with the sense of success. XO, Meta-Maria
Thought of the day:
Raise standards on self. Commit to intelligence, flexibility, creativity. *Enriches all of life.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Walking. Spirit keeps signaling me to walk, not run, but walk. Just walk. Breathe and walk. Take in nature, elevate heart rate and increase lung power, walk. As this is my gift to share with you too: WALK dear ones, WALK. XO, Meta-Maria!
Monday, August 3, 2015
It is VITAL to LIVE with PASSION. What you are passionate about is nothing small, indeed it is your calling. Passion; it feeds your soul, your purpose, your essence. Live with passion, be filled with passion, be consumed and taken over with passion. Everything juicy is here. XO, MJT
10 Ways To A More Distinguished and Meaningful Life:
1-READ a book on a weekend. 2-Take flowers to work, and have them on display for all to enjoy. 3-TREAT a friend to breakfast at a local favorite establishment. 4-Silence your ringing cell phone, and let it go to voicemail. 5- Send a snail mail note/card to a friend for no reason. 6-Buy one set of luxury bedding. 7- Get out in nature with a leisurely walk, daily. 8- Try a new scent: perfume, cologne, candles… 9-Take time to create high density/high vibration foods to run a high octane life. 10: Make yourself your favorite drink, and sit and enjoy it, and think of all the good in your life…giving THAnks! XOXO, Meta-Maria!
Thought of the Day:
IF you are looking for that one amazing person to change your life… LOOK in the mirror.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Meredith Can't wait for her next appointment!
"I had the pleasure of meeting Maria while at work and kept seeing client after client walk out of her room looking incredibly relaxed. So I took the plunge and got on her books for a massage. Her Queen Anne studio is beautiful, open, airy and has some spectacular Feng Shui going on!
She asked me about my problem and painful areas and got to work. She started by using some amazing smelling oils on my neck and shoulders, loosening everything up. Then moved on to the knots in my back that have been building up for years. Maria has a great touch and the deep tissue work felt amazing. She asked if I ever had jaw pain after she hit a tender spot in my neck; which I didn't realize was connected. So she started working on my jaw muscles too.
Maria is very talented and fantastic at what she does! She's extremely personable and clearly cares about the wellbeing of her clients. It's an easy choice: I highly recommend her. My jaw has never felt more loose and pain free and my neck and shoulders feel 10x better. Can't wait for my next appointment :)" -Meredith of Seattle
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